30 June 2008
Dinner Blessing
"Johnny, wait until we say our prayer," his mother reminded him.
"I don't have to," the little boy replied.
"Of course you do," his mother insisted, "we say a prayer before eating at our house."
"That's at our house," Johnny explained, "but this is Grandma's house and she knows how to cook!"
My Bible Hero Is
My Bible Hero Is ..............
Vote for your favourite Bible hero now.
(on the right side bar)
28 June 2008
27 June 2008
Who Is Jesus?
He came from Heaven to earth to be born as a baby so that he could live like us. He came to teach people about God, His Father.
Because Jesus is the Son of God, He was different from everyone. He was never unkind, He never did anything wrong. He never told a lie. He never took anything that wasn't His.
Have you done wrong things? I'm sure the answer will is "Yes" because we all do things that are wrong. We call doing bad things - sin and sin separates us and God.
The only way for us to remove our sins is that a perfect person must take the punishment for our sins.
Because Jesus died on the cross and took all the punishment for every person in the world, we can now have friendship with God, just as if we had never done anything wrong!
This is a wonderful gift Jesus offers to you - friendship with God.
Will you say "Yes"?
If you want to accept Jesus' gift for you, simply talk to God by saying the following prayer.
"Dear God, I am sorry for all the bad things that I have said or done. Thank you for your Son, Jesus who loves me so much that He took the punishment for the wrong things that I have done. Thank you that He died for me, so that I could be clean again. Amen".
If you said this prayer, write to us and we help you learn more about Jesus.
26 June 2008
Are You Eating Well?

25 June 2008
Do You Remember?
Sit back and enjoy.
24 June 2008
Black & White Party Christmas 2005
Kids.Talk 23 June 2008
23 June 2008
Songs We Sing
You can get them from Joshua Resources in Singapore. It seems that Jana's albums are not available in the stores.
Visit Jana Alayra for more information.

20 June 2008
Hello From Pulai Spring
19 June 2008
18 June 2008
Please Pray For Us
Tomorrow, Jessica, Cheryl, Shelley, Amy, William, Ernest, Esther and Gilbert travel up north to Pulai Springs Resort Johor Bahru to work with Evangel Christian Church children. Pray along with us that ECC kids will have a fun time learning from the Bible - To have good habits, obedience to parents and authorities and they can shine for Jesus.
"Lord, help our teachers and leaders share the good news. And may the children have a good time learning about You. In Jesus' name. Amen"
We Found You.

17 June 2008
My First Prayer
"Dear Lord, I thank you for loving me and listening to me when I pray to You. Help me to pray everyday. Teach me to listen to You when you speak to my heart. And thank you for guiding me everyday. In Jesus' name, Amen".
Here is one good way to start praying.
"Dear Lord, today I want to pray for Samantha Chiu that you will help her to be a good girl at home and she will do well for her PSLE this year. Lord, help her get into her choice of secondary school. In Jesus' name. Amen"
What is Prayer?
God wants to talk to kids and kids want to talk to God. Prayer is talking to God. God loves it when you talk to Him. You can talk to Him anytime of the day. You don't need a special reason. You can just talk to Him anywhere and anytime. Just like you will pick up the phone and call your friends when you want to chat.
1. Prayer is talking to God. You can talk or sing or even write it out on your dairy.
2. You can do it as often as you like. Every week, every day, every hour, every minute.
3. You can do it anywhere.
4. You can do it alone or with friends and family.
5. You may be sad, happy, angry or confused when you pray.
6. You tell God anything and everything.
7. You talk to Him like you talk to your friends.
8. You can ask God to help your friends, family and even yourself.
9. Don't forget to thank God for listening and helping you.
Back To School

16 June 2008
15 June 2008
Guess Who Visited KIDS.Church Today?
Happy Fathers Day

Fathers Are Wonderful People
Fathers are wonderful people
Ttoo little understood
And we do not sing their praisesas often as we should…
For, somehow, Father seems to be the man who pays the bills
While Mother binds up little hurts and nurses all the ills…
And Father struggles daily to live up to "His image"
As protector and provider and "hero of the scrimmage"…
And perhaps that is the reasonwe sometimes get the notion
That Fathers are not subject to the thing we call emotion,
But if you look inside Dad's heartwhere no one else can see
You'll find he's sentimental and as "soft" as he can be…
But he's so busy every day in the grueling race of life
He leaves the sentimental stuff to his partner and his wife…
But Fathers are just WONDERFUL in a million different ways
And they merit loving compliments and accolades of praise
For the only reason Dad aspires to fortune and success
Is to make the family proud of him and bring them happiness…
And like our Heavenly Father, he's a guardian and a guide,
Someone that we can count onto be always on our side.
Helen Steiner Rice
14 June 2008
13 June 2008
Bible Study
eSword is a fast and effective way to study the Bible. e-Sword is feature rich and user friendly. And it is free.
12 June 2008
Paparazzi Who?
Tribal Leaders Cheer - We Love Jesus
This is a song we sing for Jelene
Go sailing ah
So far la
Come back ah
Chao da
This is a song we sing for Elizabeth (high pitch voice when saying her name)
See dog ah
Scared ah
See cat ah
Run away la
This is a song we sing for Nicholas
Eee what's that ?
Go catch!
This is a song we sing for Jonathan
Eat so much
Don't get fat
Bua song ah
(I don't care)
This is a song we sing for Rachel
So blur ah?
That blur ah?
This is a song we sing for Jana
Dancing ah?
Go shake la
Turn around ah
So hot la!
This is a song we sing for Jeslin
Drawing ah?
Sketch me la
So good ah
Go sell la
This is a song we sing for Pamie
Zi high ah
(cannot ah)
You xiao ah
Go scream la
This is a song we sing for Esther
So tall ah
Sore thumb ah
We short la
Stand there la
This is a song we sing for Ernest
Big chief ah (with low voice)
Listen la
Yan dao ah
We faint ah
This is a song we sing for Jesus
We love Jesus !
Everyone loves Jesus!
Lets cheer for Jesus!
Hip hip hooray! (3x)
We're going bald eagle (2x)
We're going giack giack giack giack
Bald eagle!
Enjoy it!
Pam :)
11 June 2008
Your Story
Send your entry here.
Get creative and set the writer in you free!
What Are You Looking At?
10 June 2008
Finding Me
Here is a tough one. Can you find six of the tribal leaders here. Tell me who they are and where are they sitting?
Happy Hunting.
09 June 2008
Where Are You?
Clue: The names are here. Printing: To print this puzzle, click on the puzzle to enlarge it and right click and select "save picture as" to save into your computer. Print it out and have fun.

08 June 2008
Watch RAVU Who Say I Say Who
(Sorry guys, this is the only video clip we have for the cheer).
Tribal Leaders' We Love Jesus Cheer
Tall one, short one
Sailing or dancing
Drawing or doodling
Eating or drinking
Dark or fair
Fat or thin
We come in different packages
But we all love Jesus
RAVU Who Say I Say Who
You Say We Number 2
We Say You "Tan Ku Ku"
Who Say You Say I Say Who
You Say We Number 3
We Say You Climb A Tree
Who Say You Say I Say Who
You Say We Number 4
We Say You Lick The Floor
Who Say You Say I Say Who
You Say You Gonna Win
We Say You Rubbish Bin!
I Say 'brrr', It's Cold In Here
There Must Be Some Ravus In The Atmosphere
There Must Be Some Ravus In The Atmosphere
I say 'o e o e o', Ice Ice Ice
I say 'o e o e o', Ice Ice Ice
Goooooooooo RAVU!
07 June 2008
Come Join Us

(except first Sunday of the month)
VivoCity, Golden Village Hall 1, Foyer
Champions For God Camp 2006
06 June 2008
TUKA Dynamite Shout
TUKA dynamite, don't mess with dynamite
TUKA dynamite, don't mess with dynamite
sh sh sh................ BOOOOM!!!
Turn on the radio and listen to the news
Cause we're gonna win and you're gonna lose
We will win the war (3x)
One more time!
We will win the war (3x)
We will win the war (3x)
Satu lagi
We will win the war (3x)
Go .......... TUKA
1234 Keep up the temp (echo)
Here we go again (echo)
On the battlefield again (echo)
We'll beat others through and through (echo)
Aye aye aye aye aye!
Any sweat? No sweat!
TUKA, 11 claps
RARO Victory Call
Give me a "I"! "I"
Give me a "C"! "C"
Give me a "T"! "T"
Give me a "O"! "O"
Give me a "R"! "R"
Give me a "Y"! "Y"
What does it spell?
Spell it again!
Victory, Victory is our pride
Fight, fight, fight!
We're gonna F-F-I-I-G-H-T
We're gonna S-S-C-C-O-R-E
We're gonna fight, score, do our best
RARO, RARO wins the rest!
Go .......... RARO!
05 June 2008
Can You Find 16 Books Of The Bible In This Paragraph?
Send in your answers in the Comment section.
The Singapore Beng
Ah Beng with two red ears went to his doctor. The doctor asked him what happened to his ears and he answered, "I was ironing a shirt and the phone ring, lah. But instead of picking up the phone, I accidentally picked up the iron and placed it to my ear, lah". "Oh dear!" the doctor exclaimed in shock.
"And what happened to the other ear?" asked the doctor. Ah Beng answered "That stupid dumbo called back, lah"
Buy The Year Book
A small voice at the back of the room rang out, "And there's the teacher, she's dead."
Long Long Time Ago
Home Of The Little Dragon Slayer
Thank You Parents and Guardians
Thank You For Entrusting Your Children To Us
Thank you for sending your children to The Little Dragon Slayer Camp (TLDS). The Little Dragon Slayer is a Children’s Bible Camp. Children take a journey as a tribe, it is one for all and all for one. These Little Dragon Slayers compete in challenges for luxuries and immunity as they fight the battles of life. Set in un-spoilt nature reserve of Camp Christine, Little Dragon Slayers have to decide carefully and apply their knowledge to finish the quest. Children will learn, explore and have fun - picking up good values vital to their early childhood development. Children will learn classic Bible stories from the Old and New Testament.
The Little Dragon Slayer program is led by Ernest Tan, the Big Tribal Chief with his Counsels, Jana Lim and Jeslin Lee. Campers known as travelers come under a tribe with a Tribal Chief and his Tribal Head. The Little Dragon Slayers come together as a tribe leaving behind their homeland for a better place. In their journey, The Little Dragon Slayers learn about The Great Kingdom of Heaven and how to get there. The journey is not easy, along the way they faced filth, hardships testing. The activities full of games will help the child learn about the gospel and how to walk the adventure of a believer.
Down Memory Lane
What a journey! On the first day, children are organized into four tribes – TUKA, RARO, RAVU and TAJI. Each having ten travelers, tribes learnt to interact with each other to build teamwork as they pool their resources together to reach their goals. The theme for day one was Flood followed by Drought & Famine and Hurricane. Each day presents different challenges. Drought focused on our poor habits which we pick up as we grow. Drought & Famine is about losing our identity from poor habits as we grow older and finally Hurricane is about testing – how do we overcome poor habits.
In TLDS, children took baths in cold water, prepared a meal, walked alone in the dark (most of them took a solo night walk for 25 metres), cleaned up their tables after meals, finished whatever was laid before them in meal time, completed their tasks within a time frame, perform challenges beyond their comfort zone, four days of ‘computer and game consoles cold turkey’, no couch potatoes, organized their bags and made their beds.
Finding it hard to believe? Your kids actually did these chores. Yes! They did them willingly. And they performed extremely well. Some children aware of their teams losing direction and points stepped out of their comfort zone to lead their tribes in cheers and games. Some cared enough to take care of those who are unhurried.
It was an amazing journey as we see how children adapted to situations and learn quickly in these settings. We thoroughly enjoyed every minute of it. We strongly encourage you to talk to your children about the TLDS and see how excited they are when recalling precious memories. Engage them today and bring out the best in them.
Big Fire Burning
04 June 2008
Ten Fingers Prayer
f r o m t h e b o o k p h i l i p p i a n s 4:13
When you are in trouble, look at your hands. The ten fingers help you to remember this great promise. Whisper a prayer and Jesus Christ, your friend will come to your aid.
The Little Dragon Slayer Honour List
Up In Malaysia
It is going to be another wonderful journey of ballooning, puppetry, bible quiz, games and creative crafts with the children. Some of you guys have gone through H.O.T. Rock Camp. Holy Obedient Teaching is the theme for the camp and children will learn the importance of having good habits, obedience to parents and authorities and how they can demonstrate their lives for others to follow.
The Roaring Cheer Of TAJI
When you're up, you're up
When you're down, you're down
When you're up against TAJI
You're upside down
Thunder, thunder, thunderation
We from TAJI generation
When we cheer with determination
We create a sensation!
1, 2, 3 GO!
We're strong, we're mighty, we care and share!
TAJI BEARS, we'll show our might
We'll show them how we TAJI fight
We'll fight to the end with all our might
We'll show them how we fight fight fight.
We will, we will, beat you, win you
We will, we will, beat you, win you
TAJI BEARS, we'll stay as one
We'll promise to be loving and nice
We'll care and share with everyone
For we are the TAJI BEARS
We will, we will, beat you, win you
We will, we will, beat you, win you
Go....... TAJI!