30 July 2008
Amen, Hallelujah and Maranatha
In Hebrew, it means 'let it be so'. It is a plea to God for a response to prayer, one way of saying that it will be done by God, a 'Yes' to God's vision and a statement of confidence in God.
What Is Hallelujah and Alleluia?
Hallelujah in Hebrew means "Praise be to God". In Latin form, it is known as alleluia. It's not supposed to stop at our lips, the Christian should be an alleluia from head to foot! We are to praise God with lips, with body, with heart, and with deed.
What Is Maranatha ?
Maranatha means "our Lord comes," or "Lord, come quickly". This phrase is how some early Christians greeted each other. The use comes from Revelation 22:20, where it is used as a plea or prayer.
Laughter Is The Best Medicine
Applicant: "I'm the one you want. On my last job, every time anything went wrong, they said I was responsible".
Judge to defendant: "Aren't you ashamed, coming here for the third time?
Defendant: "Well, you come every day".
A teacher was testing the young student's intelligence. "When is your birthday dear?" asked the teacher to his six-year old. "22nd February", said the child. "What year my dear?", asked the teacher.
"Every year", said the child with a smile.
Sunny: "My mom took me to the cemetery last Sunday".
Sonia: "Oh! anyone dead?"
Sunny: "Yes, all of them"
Question: "When can 60 people stand under an umbrella without getting wet?"
Answer: "When it isn't raining".
Raju: "How many sides does a circle have?"
Ravi : "A circle does not have any side".
Raju: "Yes, it does, the inside and the outside".
Question: "Why are doctors and lawyers never perfect?"
Answer: "Because they are always practising".
The Name of God - Branch
Jeremiah 33:15 In those days and at that time I will make a righteous Branch sprout from David's line; he will do what is just and right in the land.
This prophetic title of Christ speaks of the Messiah who came of “the seed of David according to the flesh” (Romans 1:3), and who will be revealed in His earthly glory as King of kings, and Lord of lords. Jeremiah describes Him as the Branch of Righteous, therefore qualified to execute judgment and righteousness in the earth when He sets up His rule.
Jesus, I acknowledge that you come in the flesh and that you are 100% man and 100% God. As the Branch of David, you came to die for man’s sin but 3 days later you resurrected. You are a God that is alive. I know you will return as a Judge and not as a Savior to judge the world, therefore I want to share your love to my unsaved friends so that they too can be with you in heaven forever.
28 July 2008
27 July 2008
Why Do I Have To Go To Church?

Matthew 18: 20 NIV For where two or three come together in my name, there am I with them."
Why Do I Have To Go To Church? After Jesus died on a cross to pay for our sins and was raised from the dead to make us a new creation. Jesus is alive and through his Holy Spirit, He breathed on His Church which is the gathering of His people.
Why Do I Have To Go To Church? Because it is the closeness where we find protection from the sinful and evil forces of this world.
Why Do I Have To Go To Church? Because we are loved, encouraged, strengthened and uplifted by the fellowship of the Church. The true Church is people who are filled with Jesus Christ's Holy Spirit, loving each other, care for one another and helping each other.
Hebrews 10:24 NIV And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds
Why Do I Have To Go To Church? Sin, the evil forces at work in this world and the world's worries are trying to separate us from the fellowship of Christ's Holy Spirit which is in His Church, the gathering of his people. Alone, we are at the mercy of the devil, just waiting to "snatch us up" into a bitter life and eternal death. In the fellowship of His Church we have the power of Almighty God to overcome the powers of sin and evil.
Why Do I Have To Go To Church? Jesus died for our sins, was raised from the dead, and ascended into heaven, His bodily presence left us until He returns to judge all people, on the Day of Judgment. His Holy Spirit is here but Jesus needs us to carry His message of salvation and right living before God to the world
24 July 2008
How Far Can You Go?
Try and follow me.
- 3 zeros is a thousand
- 6 zeros is a million
- 9 zeros is a billion
- 12 zeros is a trillion
- 15 zeros is a quadrillion
- 18 zeros is a quintillion
- 21 zeros is a sextillion
- 24 zeros is a septillion
- 27 zeros is a octillion
What a crazy world!.
23 July 2008
Your Amazing Body

Did You Know?
Your fingernails grow four times as fast as your toenails?
Babies are born with 300 bones - adults have 206
Eyelashes last about 150 days
The heart circulates your blood through your body about 1,000 times each day
You make about half a quart (500ml) of spit each day
The smallest bone in your body is in your ears
Your blood has the same amount of salt in it as the ocean does
A sneeze blows air out of your nose at 100 miles per hour
You are taller in the morning than you are at night
Humans are the only animals that cry when upset
Many more boys are color blind than girls are
Children have more taste buds than adults
Your lungs are the only organs in your body that float
Food spends up to 6 hours in the stomach being digested
Your eyeballs are actually part of your brain
Bones are 4 times stronger than concrete
The largest muscle in your body is the one you are sitting on!
July 23, 2008
What Does Gospel Mean?
means "good news". The gospel is the good news that God sent His Son Jesus to take away our sins by dying on the cross.
But gospel can also mean the story of Jesus's birth, life, death and resurrection. There are four gospels in the Bible, written by Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.
22 July 2008
The Name of God - Author of Life
Acts 3:15 You killed the author of life, but God raised him from the dead. We are witnesses of this.
That Christ is the Author or Prince of Life (KJV) signifies that “the life He had was not from another; the Prince of Author of Life must be He who has life from Himself.” The particular word used here means one who takes a lead in, or provides the first occasion of, anything.
Lord, you are the Originator of Life – physical, spiritual, and eternal. You alone have the power to give and take away life. Therefore, I fear not those who can destroy the body but not the soul. Teach me to walk in the fear of you and not to take my salvation for granted.
21 July 2008
In Jesus Name

20 July 2008
Kids.Talk 20 July 2008
The KTCrew(:
19 July 2008
Why Did The Chicken Cross The Road?
Tell me "Why Did The Chicken Cross The Road?"
Let's see who has the most hilarious idea.
Post your comments in comments below.
18 July 2008
Its the weekends :D Here are some jokes to prep up your day ! (:
-What is a sheep's favourite dessert ?
A Mars Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
-What animal drops from the clouds ?
A Raindeer
-What's the healthiest insect ?
A Vitamin Bee :D
Okay thats all for today ! Tune in to next week's joke of the week :D
God Bless (:
17 July 2008
Calling For Audition
The Name of God - Amen
Revelation 3:14 "To the angel of the church in Laodicea write: These are the words of the Amen, the faithful and true witness, the ruler of God's creation."
This expression of approval is only used here as a personal name as records by John. The word "verily" is another translation of the Greek word for amen. The Hebrew form is "truly." As an affirmative response, it implies the soul's approval to the truth of what is uttered. When uttered by God, amen meant, "it is and shall be so," and when used by men, implied, "So let it be." When used as a title of Christ, it is because He is "faithful and true," and the One through whom the purposes of God are established (2 Corinthians 1:20). For in Him the promises and truth of God are both secured.
Lord Jesus, You are "The True Amen," for in you we have the guarantee that every promise and every truth will be amened - "It is and shall be so." By your words and deeds, you have revealed to us as the Source of all certainty and truth. For you ever spoke of what you knew and testified to what Yoyu had seen, and thus was "The faithful and true witness" of our God the Father.
16 July 2008
What Is Quiet Time?

During QT you read the Bible slowly and think about what you have read and then ask God to show Himself to you through the Bible. And finally you pray over the verses you have read asking yourself. "what do I learn from it?"
It is good to do QT every morning when you wake up as this will help you through the day. Find a quiet corner and read your Bible. After reading, pray for yourself, friends and family. Sometimes you may want to read a Christian story book or listen to Christian music. Or you may just want to sing songs or write a letter to God.
Having a regular Quiet Time is like taking your food regularly and it will make you grow strong in God.
15 July 2008
Where Can I Pray?

In short, you can pray anywhere you like because God hears you.
Jesus often goes to a quiet place to pray, I guess one of the best place to pray is a quiet place where you can kneel and bow your head.
14 July 2008
What Is Tithing?

As Christians, we believe that God owns everything and all things were given by Him. The Bible teaches us to be good stewards that means good managers of the many things that God has given to us.
As a believer, money isn't our possession, it's God's possession, which we hold in trust.
Tithing is an act we do to show that God is owner of what we have. Tithing is one of the first rule of giving found in the Bible – Abraham tithed before the Law was given to Moses.
Under the law in the Old Testament, giving a tithe was required. God's people in the Old Testament were asked to give one tenth of their income.
Tithing is an act of our trust and thanksgiving to the Lord.
13 July 2008
The Names of God - Alpha and Omega
Revelation 22:13 I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End.
Alpha and Omega are the first and last letters of the Greek alphabet, just as A and Z are the first and last in the English one. As Alpha, our Lord is the Source, the Beginning of all revealed truth, of all promise given, and of all testimony committed to men. This title speaks of the intimate relationship God has to Creation. As Omega, He is also our End, with His glory as our goal. " Man's chief end is to glorify Him, and to enjoy Him forever". Everything in life finds its answer in Him who is "the first and the last."
Lord Jesus, thank you that you are everything from A to Z in my life. In you I shall have no lacks. When it comes to my desires, plans, and ambitions help me to remember to commit them to you. Because you are the First and the Last, all things are under your control. When I do that I know I will have favors from you and peace in my heart.
Save Mother Earth

- rising sea level
- hotter days and nights
- higher food prices due to poor harvest
- change in weather pattern
- spread of infectious diseases
Why is the weather changing? Carbon dioxide. Yes, it is carbon dioxide. Every time we turn on the TV, computer, playstation, light, in fact when you turn on all electrical appliances, we use electricity. And electricity is generated by burning fossil fuels which produces carbon dioxide. Carbon dioxide is a gas and excess carbon dioxide traps heat from the sun causing climate change.
The more electricity we use, the more carbon dioxide is generated. Love Mother Earth, help reduce CO2 (CO2 is the chemical name for carbon dioxide). T
he Bible teaches us to take care of Earth. "The Lord God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it" (Genesis 2:15).
Be careful to turn off the lights when you leave the room.
What's Up?
We heard that Yu Hui, Shun and David were at Marina Bay watching the National Day Parade. The fireworks were amazing. The acrobatic maneuvers by The Black Knights of the Singapore Air Force was breathtaking.
Remember to catch it live on National Day.
11 July 2008
10 July 2008
Guess Who
Singapore 43th Birthday
To witness Singapore Singapore's 43th birthday in advance is a privilege and you must have felt great to live in Singapore. I am too as we live in a safe country. We must remember to continue to pray for our country and leaders to have a safe place to live in.
Now, let's see who is in Primary 5? Shun, David, ............................... who else?
I am hoping to catch the National Day Parade at the Marina Bay but it is no easy task as tickets are hard to come by.
09 July 2008
Come And Hear The Amazing Story of Kelvin Soh

Today Kelvin writes and sings worship songs that speak of his love for Christ who changed his life.
New Baby

"May we see the new baby?" one asked.
"Not yet" said the 65 year old mother," but soon.
"Thirty minutes passed, and another relative asked, "May we see the new baby now?"
"Not yet" said the mother.
After another few minutes had elapsed, they again asked, "May we see the baby now?"
"No", replied the mother.
Growing very impatient, they asked,
"Well, when can we see the baby?"
"When it cries", she told them.
"When it cries?", they demanded.
"Why do we have to wait until it cries?."
"Because, I forgot where I put it...
07 July 2008
He is the Lord of Sunshine
Worship means just talking about God. Wanting to know more about Him, wanting to spend every minute talking about who He is and what He does, is worship.
Thank Him as you sing each line, it is such a blessing that the creator of the universal, the Almighty one, the Great I am is also the Lord that cares for us.
He is the Lord of the sunshine,
the Lord of the rain.
He is the Lord of the good times,
the Lord of the pain.
He is the Lord of the mountain,
the Lord of the sea.
He is the Lord of the music,
The Lord of the children.
The Lord of you and me.
MKC Triathlon Kids

You can catch them at East Coast Park E2 on 12 July 2008.
Last year, Claris and Gloria received their medals for finishing the endurance event. And this year, they are out to prove their perseverance once again. Talk about endurance.
Power to the kids.
It's H.O.T. - Obedience To Authority
And it is the same with rules at home or in schools. We must learn to respect teachers, mum and dad as they give us rules so that we will not be harm.
Memory Verse
“Remind the people to be subject to rulers and authorities”. Titus 3:1
06 July 2008
The Names of God - Almighty
Psalm 91:1 He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty. The term Almighty is used in the Bible 57 times and applied to God only often in comparison to the inability of the heathen gods. It tells of His all-sustaining power and grace for His people. It speaks of God's power to fulfill every promise He had made to His children and His faithfulness in performing every word He has spoken.
God, the self-disclosure of you as Almighty God has assured me of a sure and all-sufficient resource in every time of my need. What a comfort it is to know I serve a God who is all-powerful and is able to help me to overcome all obstacles in every given situations. God, nothing is too hard for you.
04 July 2008
What Is Holy Communion?

Moriah AG celebrates Holy Communion on the first Sunday of each month. This is one way to remember our Lord Jesus' death on the cross for us. The Lord Jesus instructed his followers to remember him through the symbols of bread and wine. This act of remembrance is called Holy Communion or the Lord's Supper.
Christians who believe in Jesus Christ participate in Holy Communion. Holy Communion is a sacred time for reflection and prayer that nourishes our souls by faith.
1 Corinthians 11:24-26 says
"For I received from the Lord what I also passed on to you: The Lord Jesus, on the night he was betrayed, took bread, and when he had given thanks, he broke it and said, 'This is my body, which is for you; do this in remembrance of me.' In the same way, after the supper he took the cup, saying, 'This cup is the new covenant in my blood; do this, whenever you drink it, in remembrance of me.' For whenever you eat this bread and drink the cup, you proclaim the Lord's death until he comes."
In Holy Communion, we remember who Jesus is. When we take the bread and drink from the cup we remember He is God's Son, Jesus Christ, our Savior and Lord.
We remember who we are We are sinners in need of forgiveness. It's important to take some quiet moment to confess our sins to God and ask Him for forgiveness.
We remember what He did Holy Communion helps us to remember that Christ died for our sins. Christ loves us so much that He died for our sins so that we would no longer be separated from God.
Holy Communion reminds us that Jesus gave His life, represented by the bread on the cross for our sins. Jesus also bled on the cross, the cup represents his blood. He died and was buried but He rose from the grave to live again so that we could with God forever in heaven.
We remember that He is coming back One day Jesus is coming back in a wonderful way, we do not know the exact time when He will return. While we wait, we remember Him through Holy Communion.
I May Never March In The Infantry
I May Never March In The Infantry
I may never march in the infantry,
Ride in the cavalry,
Shoot the artillery.
I may never zoom o'er the enemy,
But I'm in the Lord's army.
I'm in the Lord's army, Yes, Sir!
I'm in the Lord's army, Yes, Sir!
I may never march in the infantry
Ride in the cavalry,
Shoot the artillery,
I may never zoom o'er the enemy,
But I'm in the Lord's army, Yes, Sir!
The Names Of God - Contents
2. Abba
3. Almighty
4. Alpha and Omega
5. Amen
6. Author of Life
7. Branch
8. Bread of Life
9. Bridegroom
10. Bright Morning Star
11. Chief Corner Stone
12. Christ
13. Counsellor
14. Deliverer
15. Desire of All Nations
16. Everlasting Father
17. Faithful Witness
18. Forerunner
Prayer - Contents
1. What Is Prayer?
2. What Is Prayer?
2. My First Prayer
3. How To Pray?
4. Where Can I Pray?
Of Things To Come
This was supposed to be one of the promotional picture for The Little Dragon Slayer Camp. Shot on our recce trip, under the watchful eyes of the camp commandant, Ernest Tan - here is Jana Lim and Jeslin Lee inviting you guys.
Yeah, I can hear your mind crackling - "How about inviting us for 2009 camp?". We wish we could but we can't promise because organising camps depends very much on whether we can book the camp site.
Camp Christine belongs to Girls' Guide and priority is given to GG and we can only book it 2 months before the camp date.
So our game plan is that we want everyone of you to pray, let's pray that God will give us dates for June 2008. Will you pray along with us?
03 July 2008
The Names of God - Abba
Romans 8:15 For you did not receive a spirit that makes you a slave again to fear, but you received the Spirit of sonship. And by him we cry, "Abba, Father." Abba, a term of simple affection is an Aramaic word for Father, found also in Mark 14:36 and Galatians 4:6. Close to a personal name, in comparison to Father, with which it is always joined in the New Testament. Father expresses an intelligent understanding of the relationship. The two together express the love and intelligence and confidence of the child. Slaves were not permitted to use this term in addressing the head of the family.
Abba, Father in heaven, with a grateful heart, I want to thank you that I am a child of the Almighty God, the Creator of heaven and earth. I am no longer a slave to Satan anymore. Thank you for delivering me from the bondage of sins. As your child, I am glad that I can live a victorious Christian life with all the guidance and power that you have made available.
02 July 2008
The Names Of God - Introduction
The names of God hold an important key to understanding the doctrine of God and the doctrine of revelation. The name of God is a personal disclosure and reveals relationship with His people. His name is known only because He chooses to make it known. To the Hebrew mind, God was both hidden and revealed, transcendent and immanent. Even though he was mysterious, lofty, and unapproachable, He bridged the gap with humankind by revealing His name.
The truth of God's character is focused in His name. The divine name reveals God's power, authority, and holiness. This accounts for Israel's great reverence for God's name. The Ten Commandments prohibited the violation of God's name (Ex. 20:7; Deut. 5:11). Prophets spoke with authority when they uttered God's name. Oaths taken God's name were considered binding, and battles fought in the name of God were victorious. Other nations would fear Israel, not because it was a mighty nation, but because it rallied under the Lord's name. In the New Testament, God's name is manifested most clearly in Jesus Christ. He is called "the Word" (John 1:1), and He makes the claim that He has revealed the name of God (John 17:6). God's name His promise to dwell with His people.
Knowing God leads to adoration, deep ardent, often excessive attachment, passion, love - Webster’s Dictionary definition of worship. Too often children do not understand what worship is. Most equate worship to singing or going to church. Some thought that reading the bible is worship or having a mountain top experience is. The word worship is overused, misused and sometimes abused. It needs a clear definition. An understanding that we may worship God in spirit and in truth. God demands and expects worship.1 Chronicles 16: 28 – 3128 Ascribe to the LORD , O families of nations, ascribe to the LORD glory and strength, 29 ascribe to the LORD the glory due his name. Bring an offering and come before him; worship the LORD in the splendor of his] holiness. 30 Tremble before him, all the earth! The world is firmly established; it cannot be moved. 31 Let the heavens rejoice, let the earth be glad; let them say among the nations, "The LORD reigns!"
Parents Guide
Children are encouraged to memorise God’s Word, once inscribed in their tender hearts, the Word of God will remain throughtout their lifetime.
The devotion consists of a name of God, verse, description and a prayer. Set a routine each day and go through the devotion with your child. Explain to them the meaning of the name and ask the child to turn to the reference in the Bible and read out loud in unison. In closing, pray together.
We seek your help in the spiritual grounding of our children as we teaches children to
· Learn God’s nature and character
· Keep prayer & worship journal
· Experience personal worship
Partners in spiritual parenting.
Moriah Assembly of God
01 July 2008
The Loan Shark
"Can you lend me $1000?"
"I only have $800."
"That's alright, you can owe me the other $200."
Watch The Worm
Two girls were having their packed lunch in the schoolyard. One had an apple and the other said, " Watch out for worms won't you!"
The first one replied,"Why should I? They can watch out for themselves."
The Pig Lost
Three boys were having a competition to see who could stay in the pig sty and bear with the smell the longest. The first boy went in. The other two boys counted outside. In 3 minutes, the boy ran out. The second proceeded into the pig sty. This time, he stayed in there for 15 minutes before dashing out. Finally, the third boy went in. 1...2...3... and all the pigs ran out! The boy hadn't taken a bath for days!