29 August 2008
27 August 2008
The Names of God - Chief Corner Stone
In any building, the corner stone is of fundamental importance. It is called corner because it forms part of a corner or angle in a wall, and is usually laid at the formal installation ceremony of erection of a building. No building is considered complete until it has received this headstone. It is under the figure of a building that the foundation of the Church is described. The foundation of the Church Christ is building has been laid strong and deep, in the eternal counsels of God. Christ, then, as “the Chief Corner Stone” is what the Church needs, and what her every member needs.
Jesus, you are the chosen and precious cornerstone and whoever trusts in you will never be put to shame. For in you the foundation of the Church is sure and secure and no forces on earth can destroy it. What a glorious foundation you have laid for your people. Without you, the Chief Corner Stone, the Church will not be complete.
26 August 2008
20 August 2008
KIDS.TALK 20 August 2008
The KTCrew(:
Come Closer
18 August 2008
The Name of God - Bright Morning Star
Here, Christ presents Himself as “the bright Star of the morning.” It was by the leading of a star that God manifested His Son to the Gentiles (Matthew 2:9-10). As the Morning Star,Christ is the pledge of the coming day, both for His own (the Jews) and for the ungodly (the Gentiles), who love darkness because of their evil deeds. As the Light of the World, the Son of God is coming to banish its darkness.
Thank you, Father for sending to us your Bright Morning Star, Jesus. Just when the world is in darkness of sins you give us light through your Son, Jesus Christ in your own perfect timing. What a blessing it is that light came into the world in the person of Jesus who is the Bright and Morning Star. It is through Him that there is hope for everyone to be free from the bondage of darkness.
17 August 2008
What Is It?
12 August 2008
The Name of God - Bridegroom
The use of this title by God symbolized the relationship between God and His people and also between Christ and His Church. As the Bridegroom Christ presents Himself to His own. Precious to Him, His Church which He bought her with His own blood, is His Bride.
Jesus, you are the Bridegroom and the Church is your Bride. In your sight, she is always precious to you. Thank you for your promises to treasure her, protect her, and delight in her. Keep your Church pure from sins and that she will remain faithful to your love so that she will not broke your heart.
11 August 2008
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KIDS.Day Carnival 2008
09 August 2008
04 August 2008
The Name of God - Bread of Life
Ordinary bread is a substance that has been formed by life. Life is in the seed we get from the harvest. Life is in the wheat by which human beings may be fed and sustained. Life can only be sustained by that which has been produced by life. If this is true of our physical life, it is likewise true of our spiritual life which can only be derived from One who has such life in perfection. Christ has “life in himself” and possesses the ability to impart this life to others.
Yes, Lord Jesus, you and you alone are able to satisfy the longing of human hearts because you are the Bread of Life. It was by your death for sinners that you became the Bread of Life to sinners. As the living Bread, you are the living God and those partake such Bread will live forever.
03 August 2008
What Is Baptism?
Baptism is an outward proof of what is happening in a believer’s life. It a believer’s action to show why Jesus died and was resurrected.
The Bible declares, “Or don't you know that all of us who were baptized into Christ Jesus were baptized into his death? We were therefore buried with Him through baptism into death in order that, just as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, we too may live a new life” (Romans 6:3-4 NIV).
In baptism, the action of being immersed in the water demonstrates being buried with Christ. The action of coming out of the water pictures Christ’s resurrection.
There should be two requirements before a person is baptized:
(1) he trusted in Jesus Christ as Saviour and
(2) he understands what baptism means.
If a person knows the Lord Jesus as Saviour and understands that baptism is a step of obedience in showing his faith in Christ to people and wants to be baptized, then there is no reason to prevent the believer from being baptized.
The Bible tells us that baptism is simply a step of obedience - a public announcement of one’s faith in Christ. Baptism is important because it is a step of obedience – publicly declaring faith in Christ and commitment to Him and identification with Christ’s death, burial, and resurrection.
Saved By Grace
But it was the Lord who decided to crush him and make him suffer. So the Lord made his life a penalty offering. But he will see his descendants and live a long life. He will complete the things the Lord wants him to do. He will suffer many things in his soul. But then he see life and be satisfied.
It is Jesus that make us right with God. He carried away our sins. He willingly gave his life. He was treated like a criminal. He may be crushed but he carried away the sins of many people. And he asked forgiveness for those who sinned. Thank you Lord Jesus for Your grace and love for us.
I’m not good enough to make it on my own
I’m not good enough to wear a crown,
and kneel at Your throne
But Your love has made a way
With Your blood the debt’s been paid
I’m not good enough, but I’m saved by grace
Saved by grace
The greatest miracle of all
Saved by grace
The love of God
Saved by grace
Oh, there’s no other way
Than to be saved by God’s grace
02 August 2008
KIDS.TALK 2 August 2008
The KTCrew(:
01 August 2008
Sign Up For KIDS.Day Carnival
Registration begins this Sunday for KIDS.Day Carnival at Pasir Ris Park.
You can get your registration forms from Teacher Rebecca or Teacher Cheryl on 3 August 2008. Or download a copy here.
Here is what you can expect.
What Is The Bible?